Carlisle/Hartford, Iowa

10 Visits per Month
Hello, I am Leslie DesCamps, Community Greeter for the Carlisle and Hartford communities. Carlisle and Hartford residents receive the benefits of a small town, along with easy and quick access to the metro. We have a multitude of businesses and churches who put their support back into the community who does a great job of supporting them locally as well. Growing up, I lived in a neighboring community and attended church in Carlisle. It has always been a community I’ve enjoyed with a close-knit feel, plenty of activities, and access to all the necessities. My husband and I resided in rural Carlisle since 2018 and are excited to raise our two young daughters in this community! I volunteer in multiple efforts across both cities and love driving community engagement and innovative ideas for the public to enjoy. The opportunity to welcome new residents and help them feel connected and supported to our community has been fulfilling.
If you have recently moved to Carlisle or Hartford, I welcome you to reach out to me to receive a personalized basket of welcome gifts from our local businesses, churches, and community! They look forward to greeting you, as you support their local service as well. If you are a business or church interested in introducing your services to families new to Carlisle and Hartford, please contact me to become part of this opportunity to promote your business and services.
LeslieDowning13@gmail.com or 515-720-0671